Star Traders Wiki

Make sure to keep an eye out for introductions from contacts you already have, as they are one of the best tools to getting contact types you specifically want.

Also, each Job provides a set of Talents which give your crew abilities, ranging from shooting bad guys in the knees to more easily traversing the stars. Especially, however, some jobs have talents which give them the unique ability to obtain new leads about Contacts. Below you will find a table of the current talents that introduce contacts.

Talents for Contact Introductions

Icon Name Job Required Rank Description Cooldown
Talent fire normal
Ui combat rangefinder empty
Friendly Banter Merchant 1 When passing the Spice plate, you have a Charisma % chance to learn about a Contact from the idle banter in the Hall 13 weeks Cooldown
Talent fire normal
Ui combat rangefinder empty
Market Confidant Merchant 1 When executing a trade at the Exchange worth over $5,000, you have a 10% + Charisma chance of gaining an introduction to a Contact from the local Faction 9 weeks Cooldown
Talent elo listening normal
Ui combat rangefinder empty
Listening Post Electronics Tech 8 Upon landing in an Urban Zone, 10% + Electronics Skill chance of learning about a new Contact by snooping on local transmissions 13 weeks Cooldown
Talent fire normal
Ui combat rangefinder empty
Unseen Traces Explorer 5 When landing in a Wild Zone, 10% + Explore Skill chance of discovering traces of a Contact who has operatives working in the area 13 weeks Cooldown
Talent fire normal
Ui combat rangefinder empty
Talk of Far Worlds Hyperwarp Navigator 8 When passing the Spice plate in the Hall, talk of distant worlds grants a 10% + Navigation Skill chance for an introduction to a new Contact 13 weeks Cooldown
Talent smuggler crimcons normal
Ui combat rangefinder empty
Criminal Connections Smuggler 11 When executing a trade at the Black Market worth over $5,000, gain a 30% + Charisma chance to learn about a Contact 9 weeks Cooldown