Star Traders Wiki

Traits are special aspects or quirks that a character possesses. A newly recruited crew member starts with 3 Traits, and may gain, lose or change Traits through game and story events, through a process Trait Mutation.

Traits List[]

Name Rules Grouping Meta Score

Ace Pilot Gain 5-10 Morale when launching a craft flight plan, +1 Charisma, +22% Craft Hit Chance, +5% Craft Evasion Grav +2

Acid Burnt +25 Energy (Plas/Rad) Resist Gearhead +1

Acrobatic +15% Melee Defense, +15% Ranged Defense Agile +2

Addictive Tic Increases chance that Trait mutation will result in other addiction-related Traits, -2 Resilience, +3 Initiative Addictive -1

Adrenaline Pump A constant risk-taker, relying on fast twitch, +3 Quickness, +1 Resilience and +10% Craft Evasion Profession +3 *

Adventurous Exhilarated by wandering new and dangerous lands, gains a Resilience % chance to recover 3 to 5 Morale whenever Exploring Spacer +1

Assertive Commanding and convinced of own authority, gains a Charisma % chance to increase Reputation bonuses by 25% whenever on Patrol Strict +1

Astute Timing +10% All Damage, +10% Critical, +8% Craft Hit Chance Educated +1

Bad Eyes -5% Ranged Accuracy, -5% Armor Piercing, +10% To Resist Debuffs Grav -1

Bandit Frightening and overawing with threats, gain +10% profits on forcing other ships to give Tribute (max 30%) Savage +1

Battle Proven Often set to a single, resolute purpose, +2 Fortitude, +2 Resilience, +2 Initiative, +20% Debuff Resist, Morale never breaks in Crew Combat Profession +3 *

Battle Scarred -2 Fortitude, +4 Wisdom, -2 Charisma, +10 Bleed Resist Veteran 0

Bearbuilt +3 Strength Hardy +1

Berserk +15% All Damage, +15% Critical Savage +1

Blind Focus +15% All Accuracy, -15% Melee Defense Focused 0

Bloodstained -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma, +10% Ranged Damage, +10% Armor Piercing Grav 0

Born Hunter A natural predator, +2 Resilience, +10% All Accuracy, +2 Initiative Profession +3 *

Brave +2 Initiative Stalwart +1

Brilliant Expansive and lightning fast mind leaps to conclusions and solutions, +50% chance of gaining double XP Educated +3

Brute Penchant for taking out frustration on others, a loss in Morale causes an equal loss from another crew member, +2 Strength, +15% All Damage Savage -1

Bulky -2 Quickness, +4 Strength Grav +1

Calculating 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Tactics Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12), +12% Craft Hit Chance Focused +2

Calm +10% To Resist Debuffs Tolerant +2

Cerebral Seeker Thorough and exhaustive in the search for new knowledge, double the chance of drawing Scientific Intel while Exploring or during Orbital Salvage Profession +3 *

Charmer +3 Charisma Empathetic +1

Classically Trained +10% All Accuracy Worldly +1

Combat Nerves -10% All Accuracy, -10% Melee Defense, -10% Ranged Defense Veteran -1

Concentration +2 Wisdom, +1 Resilience Focused +1

Conditioned Hardened by military training, +1 Quickness, +2 Fortitude, +10% Armor, +10% All Accuracy Profession +3 *

Confident +2 Charisma, +15% To Resist Debuffs Stalwart +1

Crafty Good at spotting hiding spots, grants +10% cargo rewards whenever Salvaging an orbital (max 30%) Spacer +2

Crippled -4 Fortitude, -2 Strength, +3 Resilience Veteran -2

Daredevil Gain 5-10 Morale when launching a craft flight plan, +1 Charisma, +35% Craft Hit Chance, -10% Craft Evasion Grav +1

Dead Aim +15% Critical, +10% Craft Hit Chance Focused +1

Death Wish Going out in a blaze of glory, -25% Death Save to survive lethal hit in any situation, +15% All Accuracy, +15% Critical Veteran 0

Device Freak Special obsession with tech and devices allows equip of 2nd Gear slot, only if Officer or Captain, +5% Craft Evasion, +10% to Prevent Craft Maintenance Points Gearhead +2

Diggermind A natural knack for digging, gain +10% on Raw resource, Rare and Artifact rewards whenever Exploring (max 30%), +2 Fortitude Grav +1

Discreet 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Stealth Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12) Agile +2

Dread Legacy Bearing an ancient Charter signed with blood of Xeno, upon destroying a Xeno ship will gain an extra Rep bonus with all Factions in the Quadrant and a personal XP bonus Profession +3 *

Driven Unshakable in resolve, Morale will never drop below 50, +2 Resilience Strict +3

Drunk Only gains 50% Morale while at the Spice Hall Addictive -1

Durable +25% Chance to Survive Death Saves Worldly +1

Earthbound Friends Charisma % chance to learn about a new Contact when Spicing in the Hall Grav +1

Earthy +3 Fortitude Grav +1

Enduring +2 Fortitude, +2 Resilience Determined +2

Erudite +3 Wisdom, +1 Resilience Educated +1

Ex-Military +5% All Accuracy, +10% All Damage, +5% Armor Stalwart +1

Exacting Well-versed in every aspect of the trade, +2 Charisma, +1 Wisdom and gains +10% profit when trading at an Exchange Profession +3 *

Exploiter Leveraging the risk required to avoid trade law, +1 Quickness, +2 Charisma and gains +10% profit when trading at a Black Market Profession +3 *

Fast Talker Quick with words, +2 Charisma, +2 Initiative Grav +1

Fatalistic Seeing death as inevitable in the end, -10% Death Save to Survive lethal hit in any situation Addictive -1

Fearless Never suffers a Morale Break in Crew Combat, regardless of how low Morale is Determined +2

Fearsome -2 Charisma, +15% All Damage Savage 0

Fierce +1 Strength, -1 Charisma, +15% Armor Piercing Savage +1

Flashbacks Vivid and disturbing memories of past trauma cause paralysis, always 25% Stunned in Crew Combat, 25% Stun Veteran -2

Fleet footed +4 Initiative, +10% Ranged Defense Agile +1

Flexible Pliable in thought and movement, +1 Charisma, +1 Resilience, +10% Ranged Defense Grav +1

Flighty Always dodging the law, gains +5 Escape, +10% Defense, +5% Shield in Ship Combat Profession +3 *

Focused +1 Quickness, +1 Fortitude, +1 Strength, +12% to Prevent Craft Maintenance Points Determined +1

Frail -2 Fortitude, -1 Strength Educated -1

Gossip Gregarious and quick to make friends, gain Charisma % chance to learn a Rumor when Spicing Worldly +1

Gravity Sickness Illness from the savage pull of gravity, loss of 3 to 6 HP when landing on a world, +6% Craft Hit Chance, +6% Craft Evasion Spacer -1

Greedy Pay Rate increases by $3 every level, gains extra Morale bonus whenever paid Addictive -1

Hard Hitting +10% Armor Piercing Hardy +1

Hardened Presence Dominant presence reduces cost of paying off mutineers by 10%, +2 Resilience, +25% To Resist Debuffs Hardy +2

Hazard High Thrilled by the high-stakes risks, gains a Resilience % chance to recover 5 to 8 Morale whenever Salvaging at an Orbital Spacer +1

Headstrong Resistant to new ideas, +3 Wisdom, +3 Resilience, 25% chance of not gaining XP Educated -1

Highbrow Pay Rate increases by $2 every level, suffers Morale penalty if paid as a Crew instead of Officer Educated -1

Honorable Reputable and trustworthy, adds +1-2 bonus Personal and faction Rep whenever completing a Mission step and reduces negative Rep by 1 Profession +3 *

Hyperwarp Sickness Wrenching experience of Hyperwarp travel causes sickness, loss of 3 to 10 HP when jumping Hyperwarp Grav -1

Hypochondriac Constantly worried about unknown medical maladies, healing costs twice as much as usual Savage -1

Ill-Tempered Surly and morose, Morale never rises above 80 Focused -1

Indomitable Defeat is unimaginable, gains +10% Accuracy, +5% Defense, +10% Protection against Crew and Morale Dmg/Turn in Ship Combat Profession +3 *

Infiltrator Intergalactic character of mystery, +2 Wisdom, +1 Charisma and gains +15% profit when selling Conflict Intel to one of the involved factions Profession +3 *

Inner Flame Resolute and unwavering in the hunt, +2 Resilience, +1 Fortitude, +2 Initiative, +15% Armor and Morale will never drop below 50 Profession +3 *

Inspiring 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Command Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12) Empathetic +2

Intrepid 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Explore Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12) Stalwart +2

Iron Spine +3 Resilience Tolerant +1

Jaded Lacking any illusions, 50% chance of resisting any positive or negative Morale change Veteran 0

Junker All scrap has a use, fixes 2 ship components up to Repair Skill whenever salvaging a destroyed ship or drawing a Salvage card that grants Credits and Salvage Missions start with +10% chance to draw Mission card Profession +3 *

Klepto +3 Quickness, -2 Wisdom Curious -1

Lawful Known for legitimate dealings, reduces the hostility of law-abiding ships (Military Officers, Merchants, Bounty Hunters, Zealots) encountered in travel by 1 Profession +3 *

Libertine Freewheeling and loved for leading the party, increases Morale bonus in Spice Hall when Trade Law is less than 5 Curious +1

Life-Spark +25% Chance to Survive death in crew combat (still removed from battle) Determined +1

Listener Empathetic and approachable, a gain in Morale causes an equal gain for another crew member, +2 Initiative Spacer +2

Lonehawk +2 Quickness, +1 Charisma, +10% Craft Hit Chance, +10% Craft Evasion Grav +2

Loyal Committed to the ship, the captain and the crew, has only a 20% chance to abandon the ship due to low Morale Stalwart +1

Lucky +25% Death Save to Survive lethal hit in any situation; has a chance of wearing off after each use Determined +1

Magnetic Captivating personality keeps people in your orbit, 10% + Charisma chance that crew will not abandon when at critically low Morale, only if Officer or Captain, +2 Charisma Empathetic +2

Maimed -3 Fortitude, -3 Charisma, +3 Resilience Grav -2

Malcontent Always rises against the Captain in a Mutiny Hardy -1

Maniacal Leader A driven leader willing to take spectacular risks inspires all around them, gains +25 Boarding, +1 Initiative and 20% Protection against Morale Dmg Profession +3 *

Marauder Eager to hunt profit, gains +10 Boarding, +10% Accuracy, +5 Range Change in Ship Combat Profession +3 *

Mechsync 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Repair Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12), +6% Craft Hit Chance, +12% to Prevent Craft Maintenance Points Gearhead +2

Mediator 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Negotiate Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12) Empathetic +2

Menacing 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Intimidate Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12) Savage +2

Merciless Reveling in death and destruction, gain Morale whenever destroying enemy ship but lose Morale whenever ending combat in Draw or Ransom Savage +1

Meticulous Care 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Doctor Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12) Educated +2

Mindful -1 Fortitude, +2 Wisdom, +2 Resilience, -1 Initiative, +12% to Prevent Craft Maintenance Points Educated +1

Moody Volatile temperament brings down energy, 50% to double all negative Morale changes Grav 0

Motivating Stirring words and powerful presence, gains +2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, +1 Initiative, +20% Debuff Resist Profession +3 *

Mysterious Perplexing and good at hiding the truth of things, this one has 50% resistance to hidden Traits being discovered Curious -1

Neverlost 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Navigation Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12) Spacer +2

Nimble 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Evasion Skill Bonus when leveling (max 8), +12% Craft Evasion Agile +2

Obdurate Stubborn and stuck in old ways, 25% chance of not gaining XP Determined -1

Obedient Pay Rate increase when leveling is 80% less likely Empathetic +1

Observant Always alert and wary of danger, reduces crew and ship damage by 10% whenever Exploring Tolerant +1

Obsessive Constantly fixating on something good or bad, double all negative or positive Morale changes, +5% Critical Addictive +1

On Edge Coiled spring ready to strike, +1 Strength, +1 Fortitude, +3 Initiative Profession +3 *

Other Fascination What might terrify others invokes an intense fascination, gain +6 Morale when encountering xeno ship Spacer 0

Overkeen Obsessive in the search, double the chance of drawing Xeno Artifact cards while Exploring and Exploring Missions start with +10% chance to draw Mission card Profession +3 *

Pacifist -20% All Accuracy Empathetic -1

Pain Tolerant +2 Fortitude, +1 Resilience Addictive +1

Paranoid Constantly on edge, all Morale gains are reduced by 50%, -2 Wisdom, +2 Initiative Savage -1

Peacemaker Gain Morale whenever ending ship combat in Draw or Ransom, lose Morale when destroying enemy ship Tolerant 0

Plague Scarred Scarred by the crimson pox, +2 Fortitude, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma, +6 Bleed Resist Plague 0

Power Hungry Always rises against the Captain in a Mutiny, +10% All Damage, +5% Critical Savage 0

Pox Infected Infected crew are contagious and may spread the Crimson Pox to faction landing zones, -10 Fortitude, -2 Strength, -2 Resilience, +16 Bio-Poison Resist Plague -2

Pox Survivor Crimson pox survivor, +4 Fortitude, +2 Resilience, +16 Bio-Poison Resist, +25% To Resist Debuffs Plague +1

Precise +2 Quickness, +8% Craft Evasion Agile +1

Principled Upstanding and stern in peaceful ransom, gain +10% profits on Ransoming enemy ship Tolerant +1

Problem Solver 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Electronics Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12) Educated +2

Professional Pay Rate increases by $2 every level Worldly -1

Protector A faction soldier, any Orbital Ops card that adds Rep gains +2-4 bonus and Blockade or Patrol Missions start with +10% chance to draw Mission card Profession +3 *

Proud Pay Rate increases by $1 every level, double Morale penalty if not paid when other Crew are paid Worldly -1

Rash +15% All Damage, -10% Melee Defense, -10% Ranged Defense Savage 0

Relentless Dogged in the pursuit, completing any mission step that requires an Edict grants +10% payment, extra Rep and a personal XP bonus Profession +3 *

Resilient System Having survived worse, all Morale loss is reduced by 50%, +2 Fortitude, +4 Resilience Plague +2

Revenant Death cannot break pure will, gains ability to survive even after failing Death Save; once Revenant has prevented a death it is removed Veteran +2

Reveres Authority Always joins the Captain's side of a Mutiny Strict +1

Righteous +2 Strength, +20% Armor Piercing, -10% Melee Defense Strict +1

Rigidly Lawful 25% chance to lose 2-4 Morale when spicing in the brazen carnival of a 6 or higher Spice Hall. Loses 2-4 Morale on successfully accessing a Black Market Strict -1

Risky +10% All Damage, -10% Armor Curious 0

Roughneck Rough but durable and approachable, +2 Fortitude, +2 Wisdom and gains 10% chance to learn a Salvage Rumor when Spicing Profession +3 *

Rugged +2 Fortitude, +10 Energy (Plas/Rad) Resist, +10 Bio-Poison Resist, +5 Bleed Resist Hardy +1

Scrappy Tough to put down, +5% Death Save to survive lethal hit in any situation, +2 Fortitude Hardy +1

Scrounger Naturally voracious seeker, gain +10% rewards whenever Exploring, +25% to Prevent Craft Maintenance Points Curious +1

Scrupulous A thorough and focused approach helps bring missions in successfully, gains +5% on all Mission payments (3 max) Grav +2

Seedy At home in the Spice Hall, gain +20% Morale bonus when Spicing Worldly +1

Self-Taught Independent thinker, +15% chance of gaining double XP, +1 Wisdom, +1 Resilience Grav +2

Sharp Witted Astute and clever, +25% chance of gaining double XP Curious +2

Sharpshooter +10% Ranged Accuracy Gearhead +1

Shrewd +1 Quickness, +3 Wisdom Curious +1

Single-Minded Diehard and inflexible, +2 Resilience, +2 Initiative, +10% All Damage, Morale never breaks in Crew Combat Profession +3 *

Skeptic +2 Resilience, +35% To Resist Debuffs Educated +2

Slippery Either about to disappear or backstab, gains +5 Escape, +5% Shield, +10% Critical in Ship Combat Profession +3 *

Sly Artful in devious craft, gain +10% Intel Record rewards whenever Spying (max 30%) Curious +1

Smooth Utterly practiced at the art of persuasion, +3 Charisma, +2 Wisdom and reduces cost of Contact Introduction by 15% while granting a +20 Personal Rep bonus Profession +3 *

Snob At times condescending to the point of being insulting, gains a 50% chance to cause Morale loss in other crew members when spending time in the Spice Hall Educated -2

Spatial 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Pilot Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12), +15% Craft Hit Chance, +15% Craft Evasion Gearhead +2

Spice Addict Refuses anything but spice at the Spice Hall, requires more time and money Addictive -2

Spiritual Seeing past worldly turmoil leads to inner zen, reduces Morale loss by 25%, +2 Resilience, +10% To Resist Debuffs Determined +2

Stalker Seeks high-value targets, when crew combat includes an enemy officer or captain then immediately gains a Buff for +15% Critical, +10% Dodge, +10% Parry and Stealth Mode for 3 Turns Profession +3 *

Steady Dependable and enduring, all Morale loss is reduced by 50%, +2 Fortitude, +5% Armor Determined +1

Stormshock Afflicted by even the slightest radiation, loss of 3 to 10 HP and Morale when sailing through Radiation Storms Spacer -1

Storyteller Known for spinning engaging tales and cracking hilarious jokes, gains 30% + Charisma chance to increase Morale gains in Spice Hall by +2 Empathetic +1

Stout +1 Fortitude, +1 Strength, +1 Resilience Grav +1

Stubborn Once below 50 Morale, obstinately digs in on a grudge and all Morale gains are reduced by 50%, +2 Resilience Hardy -1

Sturdy +3 Fortitude, +20 Bio-Poison Resist, +10% To Resist Debuffs Stalwart +2

Surehand 20% chance to gain permanent +1 Gunnery Skill Bonus when leveling (max 12) Grav +2

Survivor +50% Death Save to Survive lethal hit in any situation Hardy +2

Tank -2 Quickness, +4 Fortitude Hardy 0

Tense +3 Initiative Curious +1

Terrifying Scary in the worst way, confiscates 10% more Credits whenever successfully Blockading (max 30%) Savage +1

Theoretician Acute observer and quick study, +2 Wisdom, +2 Resilience and gains +15% profit when selling Scientific Intel Profession +3 *

Thick Skinned +10% Armor Hardy +1

Tough +3 Fortitude, +10% Armor Stalwart +1

Traveler Excited by far-flung travel, gains 3-6 Morale when making a Hyperwarp jump, +25% to Prevent Craft Maintenance Points Spacer +1

Twitchy +4 Initiative, -5% Armor Agile 0

Uncompromising Demanding ferocity brooks no argument, +2 Resilience, +1 Fortitude and doubles all Credits extorted from enemy captains in Blockade or Ship Encounter Profession +3 *

Undisputed Boarder Charging to battle even from the bridge of their ship, gains +20 Boarding, +1 Initiative and +5 Range Change in Ship Combat Profession +3 *

Valiant +10% Melee Defense, +10% Ranged Defense Determined +1

Vandal When boarding, +10% Dmg to enemy ship components Gearhead +1

Virtuous Proud to do the right thing, gains a Wisdom % chance to recover 3 to 5 Morale whenever Patrolling Focused +1

Voyager Highly skilled at riding the galactic winds, +2 Wisdom, +1 Resilience and reduces travel time and fuel consumption by 10% Profession +3 *

Vulture Adept at picking over the wreck for valuable scrap, gain +10% credits when Salvaging enemy ship or orbital (max 30%) Gearhead 0

Wanderlust Insatiable drive to travel can only be sated by new experiences, gain 5 to 10 Morale when orbiting a new world Spacer 0

Warhawk Antagonistic faction supporter, gains extra +3-4 Conflict Score and a personal XP bonus whenever impacting a Conflict Profession +3 *

Wayfarer A wanderer and a seeker, may abandon the ship due to low Morale even when promoted to Officer, +4 Wisdom Grav -1

Weak System -20 Bio-Poison Resist Veteran -1

Well-Rounded +1 Quickness, +1 Fortitude, +1 Strength, +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma, +1 Resilience Grav +2

Wily +1 Wisdom, +10% Deflection Worldly +1

Worldsick Security of gravity and spice hall are a reminder of the loneliness of space, loss of 1 to 4 Morale on landing on a world Grav -1

Xenophobic Sickening dread paralyzes when encountering something alien, loss of 6 Morale when encountering xeno ship Grav -1

Many traits can change over time due to events experienced on the ship. The is called Trait Mutation. Some traits can be removed via the help of Trait Conditioning.

Talents to Discover Crew Traits[ | ]

In addition to the use of Charisma some talents can help discover crew traits.

Icon Name Job Required Rank Type Description Cooldown

Talent commander discernglance normal
Discerning Glance Commander 1 RECRUIT When Recruiting, new crew member gains improved Attributes and you discover one of their hidden Traits. 3 weeks Cooldown

Talent qm doctor trait normal
Healer's Intuition Doctor 5 PAY When crew are paid, your constant and close observation of crew's health grants a 30% + Doctor Skill chance to learn hidden Trait from among those paid 9 weeks Cooldown

Talent qm perceptiveboss normal
Perceptive Boss Quartermaster 1 PAY When paying your crew, your intuition grants a 30% + Command Skill chance to learn hidden Trait from among your crew 9 weeks Cooldown

Talent mo recruit normal
Recruiter's Eye Military Officer 5 RECRUIT When Recruiting, new crew member gains improved Attributes and you discover one of their hidden Traits. 3 weeks Cooldown

Talent commando recruit normal
Cull the Chaff Wing Commando 8 RECRUIT When Recruiting the trained eye of a soldier spots the best, new crew member gains improved Attributes and you discover one of their hidden Traits 3 weeks Cooldown

Talent xeno hunter recruit normal
Soul Piercer Xeno Hunter 8 RECRUIT When Recruiting, new crew member gains improved Attributes and you discover one of their hidden Traits. 3 weeks Cooldown

Common Faction Traits[ | ]

The following lists are some of the traits that are commonly associated with each of the factions, but not all traits are listed, and this list may not be fully accurate.

Alta Mesa

Small banner 8

Gravity Sickness

Small banner 5


Small banner 7

Astute Timing
Steel Song

Small banner 6

Fleet Footed
Ill Tempered

Small banner 4

Classically Trained
Sharp Witted

Small banner 9

Iron Spine
Reveres Authority
De Valtos

Small banner 1

Classically Trained
Spice Addict

Small banner 2

Sharp Witted

Small banner 3

Other Fascination
Sharp Witted

Small banner 0

Problem Solver
Thick Skinned